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17 марта 2015 Года

“Representative Power–Century 21” issue #1-2 – 2015

The main theme of 1-2 rooms for 2015 of the magazine «Representative power - XXI century» http://www.pvlast.ru is a Speech and answers of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.V. Lavrov on the questions students of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia

Other important topics include articles by the following authors: Komarov S.A., Chepus A.V. Parliamentary inquiry as form of control of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation; Soshnikova T.A. New problems old law on trade unions; Trunov I. L. Destructive sects and sectarianism in Russia; Belyakov A.V. Rules on medicines import from one EU country to another; Romanov I.B. Public assessment in the law-making process mechanism; Slizovsky D.E., Amiantov A.A. The territory of advanced development in the focus of legislation and Executive contradictions Sokirkin Vladimir А. Sources of the Internаtionаl Lаw of the Seа.

Several other articles also deserve mentioning: Berlov A.V. Agrarian question in social and political thought of Russian emigration 1920; Shulga G.A. Tajikistan: Paradigm of cooperation between state and religion; Iskakova G.T. Impact of the electoral system on the nature of parliamentary representation; Interview with Chairman of the veterans Council of the State Duma B.P. Tarasova; Monahov D.N., Pronchev G.B. Network technologies and cloudy services as tool of achievement of digital equality among Russian citizens.

Contents, Key words and Summaries. “Representative Power–Century 21” issue #1-2 – 2015

Speech and answers of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.V. Lavrov on the questions students of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia
Lavrov S.V.
- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
Abstract. Speech and answers to questions from students of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.V. Lavrov, Moscow, (27 February 2015). Opinions on topical international problems.
Key words: The Minister of  Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, diplomacy, international relations.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Komarov S.A., Chepus A.V.
Parliamentary inquiry as form of control of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation
Komarov Sergey Aleksandrovich – the research supervisor of Legal institute (St. Petersburg), the head of the department of the theory of the state and the right of G.V. Maltsev of Law department of M. M. Speransky of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the doctor of jurisprudence, professor.
Chepus Alexey Viktorovich – the associate professor of a constitutional right of Law department of M.M. Speransky of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the candidate of jurisprudence, the associate professor.
Abstract. In article the main questions of the theory and practice of parliamentary inquiry are analyzed, comparison to deputy inquiry is carried out them, isolation and independence of parliamentary inquiry from other control forms realized by parliament in the Russian Federation and is reflected in foreign parliaments.
Key words: parliamentary inquiry, deputy inquiry, subjects of parliamentary control, regulations of chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Soshnikova T.A. New problems old law on trade unions
Soshnikova Tamara Arkadevna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head. of the Civil Procedure law and social sectors of the Moscow University for the Humanities.
Abstract. The author of the article analyzes the legislation on trade unions, paying particular attention to the new Federal law passed on December 22, 2014 and makes proposals for improvement of the current legislation that defines the concepts of trade Union structures, protruding side of social relationships and partnerships.
Key words:  trude unions, social partnership, representatives of workers, law No. 444 dated 22 December 2014 on amendments to the law on trade unions.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Trunov I. L. Destructive sects and sectarianism in Russia
Trunov Igor L, Association of lawyers. Prof., Dr., attorney, national President of the world Association of lawyers, Deputy Chairman of the International Union of lawyers, Chairman of the Department of law of the RANS.
Abstract. In the article they say that active on the territory of Russia destructive, non-traditional religious associations, in most cases, cultivates socialnet, denial of constitutional obligations, poses a risk to mental and physical health of citizens, fraudulently taken away property. Sectarian-religious nature of extremist and terrorist organization.
Key words: State and law, sects, physical health, fraud, extremist and terrorist organizations
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Belyakov A.V. Rules on medicines import from one EU country to another
Belyakov Anton Vladimirovich - candidate of legal Sciences, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of Association of international law.
Abstract. Parallel import of  medicines, limitation of parallel import, principle of full enjoyment of rights, patent and intellectual rights are discussed in the article.
Key words: European Union,  medicines, parallel import, intellectual rights,  limitation of import,  patent, health.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Romanov I.B. Public assessment in the law-making process mechanism
Romanov Igor Borisovich - the member of the International union of lawyers, the candidate of jurisprudence.
Abstract. The article considers the issues of non-governmental expertise of draft normative-legal acts; analyzes the concept of enterprise public examination and legal basis for its holding; specifies by its place and role in the mechanism of the law-making process; analyzes the main problems associated with its implementation.
Key words: law-making, the mechanism of action of law, inter-relationship of ideology and law.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Iskakova G.T. Impact of the electoral system on the nature of parliamentary representation
Iskakova Gulnara Tentievna - Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. Kandidat juridicheskih nauk, docent, researcher of the International Affairs Department.
Abstract: This article suggests a definition of the electoral system, which helps to better understand the influence of its elements on the resulted forms of representation. It considers the influence of the electoral system’s varied elements on the behavior of individual members of the political parties and, thus, on the fragmentation or cohesion of parties. Arguments are brought up in favor of such electoral systems’ elements that form strong parties and decrease the level of multipartism in the parliament.
Key words: Parliamentary representation, forms of parliamentary representation, political parties, electoral systems.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Sokirkin Vladimir А. Sources of the Internаtionаl Lаw of the Seа
Sokirkin Vladimir А. - associate professor, chair of international and european law of the International juridical institute, candidate of law
Abstract: Historicаlly the internаtionаl lаw of the seа аppeаred in the forrm of customs of pаrticulаr ports, only with the course of time it wаs generаlized аnd becsme globаl. Decisions of nаtionаl, lаter – internаtionаl court were of greаt significаnce.
Key words: internаtionаl lаw of the seа, customs, pаrticulаr ports, globаl lаw, internаtionаl courts.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Berlov A.V.
Agrarian question in social and political thought of Russian emigration 1920
Arthur V. Berlov, PhD in history, lecturer at the department of history Military University of Ministry of Defense.
Abstract. The article shows the main directions of development of agrarian thoughts of Russian emigration, the views of the scholars of various schools on the development of peasant farming and agrarian relations in Soviet Russia. The agrarian question has become central in the controversy of the Liberal, Marxist and neonarodničeskoj thought of the Russian diaspora, offering their prescriptions to overcome the prolonged crisis in the Russian countryside. Political and economic disputes contributed to the development of emigrant farm study centers and agrarian reform, a mature agricultural theory.
Key words: russian emigration, agrarian idea, agriculture, land, peasants, the production, the agrarian question.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Shulga G.A. Tajikistan: Paradigm of cooperation between state and religion
Galina Shulga - First Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Candidate of Historical Science.
Abstract. The article deals with the role and the place of Islam in the political life of Tajikistan. The Majority of Tajikistan’s population is Sunni Muslim and belongs to the Persian-speaking Tajik ethnic group, whose history and culture was formed under the influence of Afghanistan and Iran.
For a long historical period Islam has been exerting influence and still continue to have a very deep and strong influence on the Tajik society, staying the main spiritual characteristic of the considerable part of the society. 
The author tries to analyze the correlation between Islam and secular state, the formation of political policy based on spiritual values in combination with secular tradition.
Key words. Politics, State, Religion, Republic of Tajikistan
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Interview with Chairman of the veterans Council of the State Duma B.P. Tarasova
Tarasova Valentina Prohorovna
- Chairman of the veterans Council of the State Duma.
Abstract. In an interview talking about the work of the Council of veterans of the Russian State Duma. The main activities of the Council. Achievements and problems.
Key words: interview veterans Council, Chairman of the State Duma.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Slizovsky D.E., Amiantov A.A.
The territory of advanced development in the focus of legislation and Executive contradictions
Slizovsky Dmitry Egorovich - doctor of historical Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, Member of Presidium of the Academy of political Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of national economy and state service under the President of the Russian Federation, Professor of Russian peoples friendship University. Amiantov Alexey Andreevich - candidate of political Sciences, chief specialist of the Department of organizational maintenance of the legislative process of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Abstract.  The article discusses the provisions of the new Federal law of 29.12.2014, No. 473-FZ "On territories of rapid socio-economic development in the Russian Federation", the analysis of its main positive and negative aspects. Expressed the author's judgments about the essence with effect from 30 March 2015 legislative regulations.
Key words: The territory ahead of socio-economic development (TOR), a Federal law, the mode of development, legislative innovation.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.

Monahov D.N., Pronchev G.B. Network technologies and cloudy services as tool of achievement of digital equality among Russian citizens
Monahov Danila Nikitich – Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Senior lecturer of the department of Sociological Research Methodology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University; Pronchev Gennadi Borisovitch – Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Physics and Maths; Associate Professor, Associate head of the department of Sociological Research Methodology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Abstract. Publication is devoted to a problem of information inequality among Russian citizens. The package of measures are analyzed undertaken by the state for smoothing of information inequality. Activization of educational activity of the state, modernization of educational process for achievement of a goal is offered.
Key words: social inequality, Internet, cloudy technologies.
Notes. The full article in El. as see in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU it is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full paper version of the article, see the log. To order additional paid copies of the magazine via the editor or subscription Agency.



Представительная власть - XXI век: законодательство,
комментарии, проблемы. E-mail: pvlast@pvlast.ru

ISSN: 2073-9532

Создание сайта: П.М. Ермолович

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