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4 января 2017 Года

“Representative Power–Century 21” issue #7-8 – 2016

The main theme of 7-8 rooms for 2016 of the magazine «Representative power - XXI century»  http://www.pvlast.ru is a Speech PutinV.V. An Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Other important topics include articles by the following authors: Varlen M.V. The status of a parliamentarian in the constitutional state; Putin V.V. The speech at the IX Russian Congress of Judges; Zorkin V. The activity of the Constitutional Court in the judiciary; Lebedev V.  The results of the courts work of the general jurisdiction and of the arbitration courts; Igonin E.I., Salieva R.N., Fatkudinov Z.M. Legislative support environmental management and public environmental oversight in the implementation of economic and other activities: problems and ways of solution; Kudryavy V.V. Power industry of Russia in comparison with the Soviet and foreign experience; George Krasnow, Ilias Abd al-Alim Islam.  Imam (Dr. John Morrow) condemned ISIS.

Several other articles also deserve mentioning: Prokhorova V.V., Kolomyts O.N.  Methodical approaches to the typology of territories in the conditions of intensification of development of the national economy of Russia; Novikov V.S., Shershunova N.V. Instrumentation implement a virtual service mechanism in the field of health care; Monahov D.N., Pronchev G.B., Shvedovsky V.A., Marevtseva N.A. Information security of virtual social environments; Dobosh S.I. The role of technical-legal norms in providing counteraction of terrorism.

Contents, Key words and Summaries. “Representative Power–Century 21” issue #7-8 – 2016

Putin V.V.
An Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich - President of the Russian Federation.
Abstract. Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly with annual address. Delivering the Message traditionally held in St. George hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. The President reported on the status of major aspects of society and shared development forecasts for the coming period.
Key words. Economy, society, culture, demography, health, education, charity, environment, agri culture, entrepreneurship, corruption, banking system, international relations.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

Varlen M.V.  The status of a parliamentarian in the constitutional state
Varlen Maria - Professor of Department of constitutional and municipal law,  Kutafin Moscow State Law University, doctor of  Law.
Abstract. The article presents the author's views on the status of parliamentarian as an expression of the constitutional characteristics of the Russian state. The work of the Parliament as a collegial public authority is largely dependent on the activities of its individual members – deputies from their activity, professionalism, responsibility.
Key words: parliament, power, people, the state, deputy, elections, responsibilities, rights, obligations, the Constitution.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

Putin V.V. The speech at the IX Russian Congress of Judges

Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich - President of the Russian Federation.
Abstract. Putin V. has took a part in work of the IX Russian Congress of Judges on 6 December in Moscow. The congress have been going 3 days from 6 to 8 December and was hold the light for issues, which are concerning the state of the judiciary, prospect for its developing, measures on improving the court activity. In the work of congress over the 780 delegates were attended: The representatives of the Supreme Russian Courts, the federal courts of the general jurisdiction, the arbitration and military courts, the justice of peace, the representatives of the constitutional courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. According to the President the executive and the legislature must takes into consideration the decisions of the congress on improving the court work.
Key words. Government and right, Congress, court, Supreme court, judge,  judiciary, right, law, legislation.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

Zorkin V. The activity of the Constitutional Court in the judiciary
 Zorkin Valery - Chairman of the Constitutional Court Russia. Doctor of Law, Professor, Honoured Law yer of Russia.
Abstract. The report of Zorkinis about the activity of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the judiciary at the IX Russian Congress of Judges on 6 December in Moscow.
Key words. Government and right, Congress, court, Constitutional Court,  judge,  judiciary, right, law.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

LebedevV.  The results of the courts work of the general jurisdiction and of the arbitration courts
Lebedev Vyacheslav –The chairman of the Supreme court, Doctor of Law, Professor.
Abstract. The report of  Lebedev is about the results of the courts work of the general jurisdiction and arbitration courts as well as about the measures on improving court activity at the IX Russian Congress of Judges on 6 December in Moscow.
Key words. Government and right, Congress, court, Supreme court, judge,  judiciary, right, law.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

Igonin E.I., Salieva R.N., Fatkudinov Z.M. Legislative support environmental management and public environmental oversight in the implementation of economic and other activities: problems and ways of solution
Igonin  Evgeny - senior researcher, Institute of problems of ecology and mineral Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan; Salieva Roza -  head of laboratory of Institute of problems of ecology and mineral Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, doctor of legal Sciences, Professor; Fatkudinov Zafar - senior researcher of the Institute of ecology and geographical areas of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, doctor of legal Sciences, Professor.
Abstract. This article analyzes the law and practice of the normative legal acts in the implementation of environmental management and state-governmental environmental oversight. Proposals to improve the management of natural resources and state environmental supervision: The main provisions proposed for the development and adoption of the Law "On State Policy in the field of nature and the environment"; the directions of the reorganization of public administration in the field of nature conservation and the environment; outlines the goals and objectives of the organization of management in the study area.
Key words: management, environmental management, environmental supervision, environmental protection, environmental policy.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

Dobosh S.I. The role of technical-legal norms in providing counteraction of terrorism
Dobosh Sergey - Chief adviser of department, Federal agency for special construction.
Abstract. The present article examines the technical-legal norms in the context of state and legal policy directed to counteraction of terrorism are considered. These norms contain in normative documents and establish safety requirements to objects of anti-terrorist security. Technical-legal norms are means of legal and technical protection of life and health of citizens, property of natural and legal entities.
Key words: anti-terrorist security, technical-legal norms, technical regulation, code of practice, standard, safety requirements.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

Kudryavy V.V.
Power industry of Russia in comparison with the Soviet and foreign experience
Kudryavy Viktor - doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, head of the research Center «Optimization of management in power engineering” of Moscow power engineering Institute, former Deputy Minister of energy of the Russian Federation (October 2000 - August 2003).
Abstract. The article presents the author's detailed comparative analysis of the state of Russia's power industry before and after reforms of the industry. The author is of particular interest because it is the point of view of an experienced professional. Curly-haired Vladimir was the first Deputy Chairman of the management Board of RAO «UES of Russia» (April 1998 - July 1999), was a member of the Board of Directors - representative of the state in RAO «UES of Russia» until April 2002, He was the most persistent and consistent fighter against the reform of RAO «UES of Russia», proposed by A. Chubais. His withdrawal from the Board of Directors "UES of Russia" was a foregone conclusion after Curly has blocked the decision on creation of the Federal grid company, which, according to the reform plan of the holding should be transferred to all trunk lines. The result is Crispy Vladimir was stripped of Executive powers. Further V. Curly from the position of the minority shareholder of RAO "UES of Russia" filed in the Moscow arbitration court a number of claims seeking the invalidation of renewal of the employment contract with the Chairman of the Board of RAO A. Chubais and invalidation of the acquisition of RAO 100 % of the shares of the Federal grid company. The claims were rejected by the court.
Key words: electric power industry, the energy potential of the country, market reforms, the state monopoly, liberal pricing, management and energy industry.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

Prokhorova V.V., Kolomyts O.N.  Methodical approaches to the typology of territories in the conditions of intensification of development of the national economy of Russia.
Prokhorova Victoriy - Kuban State Technological University (Krasnodar), Doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of the department of production management and economy sectors of the economy,; Kolomyts Oksana - Kuban State Technological University (Krasnodar), Ph.D. (Sociological Sciences) associate professor of the department of industrial management and Economics branches of economy.
Abstract. Territorial entity in its development may take a different path, or to grow outwards (extensive development), occupying new territory, and it is more promising to exploit opportunities and develop within themselves (intensive way). Extensive and intensive ways intertwined and combined with each other, when the increase in production is happening on new technological and technical basis, allocate the type of economic development, which at the moment prevails in the way of organizing the economy. It is therefore legitimate to talk about primarily extensive or primarily intensive development.
Key words: territorial training, development, and resource intensification.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

Novikov V.S., Shershunova N.V. Instrumentation implement a virtual service mechanism in the field of health care
Novikov Vladimir - Ph.D. in economics, associate professor, professor of the Chair of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship; Shershunova Natalia - postgraduate of the Department of Management, Marketing and Business Management Institute of Southern.
Abstract. In the article the authors propose the implementation of virtual instrumentation maintenance mechanism in the field of medical services of the Krasnodar Territory. The main direction in which, according to the authors, it is necessary to take measures to optimize the virtual service in the field of health care. The data of Internet dissemination of the countries. Reflected structure of Internet-users by type of settlements.
Key words: Internet users, virtual service, medical services, information and communication technologies.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

George Krasnow, Ilias Abd al-Alim Islam.
  Imam (Dr. John Morrow) condemned ISIS
W. George Krasnow, Dr., graduate of Moscow State University, former professor of Monterey Institute of International Studies, California. President of the Russia & America Goodwill Association, he resides in Washington, D.C., USA.
Ilias Abd al-Alim Islam  (John Morrow) -  Imam and Dr., American (US) expert on Islam and on Arabic studies, the author of the book of the agreements of the prophet Muhammad with Christians.
Abstract. American (US) expert on Islam and on Arabic studies, the author of the book of the agreements of the prophet Muhammad with Christians, he considers that leaders of ISIS (banned group in Russia) are Islam apostates. He urged all Muslims to follow the Prophet Muhammad vows, which have been given to the Christians in the 620 y. The group of Muslim scientists supported dr. John Morrow and addressed to Muslims around the world to condemned the terrorist activity of leaders of ISIS (banned group in Russia) and other extremists, as the anti-Islamic.
Key words. International relations, Islam,  Christianity, terrorism, wahhabism, TAKFIRI, Islamophobia, Russia, USA, international law, tolerance, peacefulness, peaceful co-existence.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.

Monahov D.N., Pronchev G.B., Shvedovsky V.A., Marevtseva N.A. Information security of virtual social environments
Monahov Danila – Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Senior lecturer of the department of Sociological Research Methodology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University; Pronchev Gennadi – Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Physics and Maths; Associate Professor, Associate head of the department of Sociological Research Methodology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University; Shvedovsky Vyacheslav – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Senior research scientist of the department of Sociological Research Methodology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University; Marevtseva Natalya – Ph.D. in Physics and Maths; Senior research scientist of the department of Sociological Research Methodology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Abstract. The paper deals with information security of virtual social environments. The problems, sources and threats to information security and attitude to the problem of different age groups of Russians are analyzed. The recommendations for protection of information security are given.
Key words: information security, confidential information, virtual social environments.
Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency.



Представительная власть - XXI век: законодательство,
комментарии, проблемы. E-mail: pvlast@pvlast.ru

ISSN: 2073-9532

Создание сайта: П.М. Ермолович

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