About the magazine
ISSN: 2073-9532
e-ISSN: 2073-9540
Serial title: Representative power – 21st century.
Sub-title: Legislation, Commentary, Problems
Alternative serial title: Представительная власть - XXIвек: законодSerial title: Representative power – 21st century
Alternative serial title: Представительная власть - XXI век: законодательство, комментарии, проблемы.
Full title of the journal: "Representative Power – 21st Century: Legislation, Commentary, Problems"
Primary field: Law, Crime, Criminology and Criminal Justice
Main field:
- Law, Crime, Criminology and Criminal Justice;
- Economics, Econometrics & Finance;
- Sociology, Social sciences;
- Political sciences;
- Multidisciplinary.
Country of publisher: Russian Federation
What is the start year of the first predecessor: 1994
The aims & scope of the title. The "Representative Power – 21st Century: Legislation, Commentary, Problems" is the only academic journal in Russia which is devoted to the problems and issues of Economics, law, politics - socio-humanitarian Sciences and professions from the point of view of activity of the Russian Parliament and the Parliament of foreign countries. This academic journal focused on coverage of current legislative issues and challenges from the point of view of representative power. International editorial Board consists of representatives of six countries, including: Zhores Alferov - Nobel Prize winner, academician, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State Duma deputy, member of the National Academy of Sciences USA; John C. Reitz - professor of law and deputy Dean of International Programs School of Law University of Iowa USA; Lyubimov A.P. - Professor, Doctor of Law, full member of RANS, Professor and Head of the Centre of International Law at the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, Professor of Moscow University for the Humanities. And other scientists from around the world.
International Editorial Board includes scholars and practitioners from around the world
International Editorial Board:
- Alferov Zh.I. (Алферов Ж.И.) – Nobel laureate, academician, Vice-President of the RAS, Deputy of the State Duma of Russia, member of the national Academy of Sciences of the United States. (Russia)
- Bruce W. Bean (Брюс Бин) - Professor of Law, Director of the LL.M. for Foreign Lawyers Program, Michigan State University (USA).
- John C. Reitz (Джон Райтц) - Professor of Law and Director of Graduate Programs and Visiting Scholars, The University of Iowa College of Law (USA).
- Yongquan LI (Ли Юнцюань) - Director, Institute of russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Ph.D. in HIstory, Professor. Beijing, China.
- George E. Hudson (Джордж (Джерри) Хадсон) - Professor and Director (Political Science), Russian politics, Russian foreign policy, Russian national security affairs, Wittenberg University (USA).
- Tokaev K.K. (Токаев К.К.) - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Kazakhstan).
- William M. Reisinger (Уильям (Билл) Райсингер) - Ph.D., Professor of Political Science at The University of Iowa. (USA).
- Rossman V. (Россман В.) – Ph.D., Professor (Israel). University Srinakarinwirot in Bangkok (Thailand).
- Urban M. (Урбан М.) – Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences, Department of political science, University of California at Santa Cruz (USA).
- Lesage M. (Лесаж М.) - Professor, Doctor of Law (France).
- Abdulatipov R.G. (АбдулатиповР.Г.) - Ph.D., Professor, the President of the Republic of Dagestan (Russia).
- Bazhanov E.P. (БажановЕ.П.) - Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honored scientist of Russia, Rector of Diplomatic Academy of MFA RF, academician of the world Academy of Economics, member of the Academy of political Sciences of the USA, honorary Professor of National University (Beijing, China) and Chengchi University, (Taiwan).
- Baburin S.N. (Бабурин С.Н.) – Professor, Doctor of Law, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, President of the Association of law schools, the President of the Association of people's deputies, chief research fellow ISPI RAS (Russia).
- Balykhin G.A. (Балыхин Г.А.) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, academician of the State Maritime Academy named after S.O. Makarov, Deputy, member of the State Duma Committee on education (Russia).
- Volodin V.V. (Володин В.В.) – Professor, Doctor of Law, first Deputy head of presidential administration of the Russian Federation (Russia).
- Vishniakov V.G. (Вишняков В.Г.) – Professor, Doctor of Law, Russian economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, Department of administrative and financial law (Russia).
- Glaz'ev S.Iu. (Глазьев С.Ю.) – academician of RAS, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. (Russia).
- Guseinov A.A. (Гусейнов А.А.) - Professor, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of philosophy of RAS, academician of RAS (Russia).
- Zabelin A.G. (Забелин А.Г.) - Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Rector of the Moscow Financial and Law University, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education (Russia).
- Klishas A.A. (Клишас А.А.) – Professor, Doctor of Law, The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction (Russia).
- Kokoshin A.A. (Кокошин А.А.) – academician of the RAS, Dean of the faculty of world politics of Moscow state University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Russia).
- Lysenko V.N. (Лысенко В.Н.) – Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences, President of the Institute of Modern Politics of the Russian Federation (Russia).
- Medvedev P.A. (Медведев П.А.) – Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, the Financial Ombudsman of the Russian Federation (Russia).
- Mironov O.O. (Миронов О.О.) – Professor, Doctor of Law. Modern Humanitarian Academy, Department of "State-legal disciplines" (Russia).
- Plaksii S.I. (Плаксий С.И.) – Professor, Ph.D., Rector of the National Institute of Business. Honored scientist of the Russian Federation (Russia).
- Popov S.A. (Попов С.А.) – Professor, Candidate of Political Sciences, Academy of military Sciences, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on rules and organization of work of the State Duma of Russia (Russia).
- Uss A.V. (Усс А.В.) – Professor, Doctor of Law, Chairman of Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation (Russia).
- Tikhomirov Iu.A. (Тихомиров Ю.А.) - Professor, Doctor of Law, Chief researcher of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation (Russia).
- Trebkov A.A. (Требков А.А.) - Candidate of Legal Sciences, President of the International Union of lawyers, Honored lawyer of the RF (Russia).
- Iasin E.G. (Ясин Е.Г.) – Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Scientific Director of the National research University – Higher School of Economics (Russia).
Name and first name (or initials) of main handling Editor 1: Editor-in-Chief of academic journal: Lyubimov A.P. - Professor, Doctor of Law, Full member – academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Professor and Head of the Centre of International Law, Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia (Russia).
International Editorial Collegium:
- Avtonomov A.S. (Автономов А.С.) - Professor, Doctor of Law (Russia).
- Bashimov M.S. (Башимов М.С.) - Professor, Doctor of Law (Kazakhstan).
- Bulakov O.N. (Булаков О.Н.) - Professor, Doctor of Law (Russia).
- Xiaoquan Wang- doctor of law, Professor, Beijing, China.
- Vinogradov V.M. (Виноградов В.М.) - Professor, Doctor of Law (Russia).
- Grankin I.V. (Гранкин И.В.) - Professor, Doctor of Law (Russia).
- Domrin A.N. (Домрин А.Н.) - Doctor of Law (Russia).
- Kuvaldin V.B. (Кувалдин В.Б.) - Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences (Russia).
- Rossman V. (Россман В.) - Ph.D., Professor (Israel). University Srinakarinwirot in Bangkok (Thailand).
- Urban M. (Урбан М.) - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Department of political science, University of California at Santa Cruz (USA).
- Fatkudinov Z.M. (Фаткудинов З.М.) - Professor, Doctor of Law (Rossia).
- Chernyi V.V. (Черный В.В.) – Professor, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (Russia).
- Chirkin V.E. (Чиркин В.Е.) - Professor, Doctor of Law (Russia).
Name and first name (or initials) of main handling Editor 2: Shchitova N.G. (Щитова Н.Г.) – Editor (Russia).
list some examples of countries of authors: (if any countries predominate, please indicate) Russia, Germany, USA, China, Israel, Italia, France, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and others.
Other bibliographic databases:
- Scientific Electronic Library of the Russian Federation. www.elibrary.ru
- Catalogue of the library of USA Congress.
- Catalogue of the library of the RAS.
- Catalogue of the Presidential library of the Russian Federation.
- Catalogue of the Parliamentary library of the Russian Federation.
- Catalogues of libraries of the Scientific and Educational organizations of the Russian Federation.
This journal is distributed in the State Duma and the Federation Council, Administration of the RF President, RF Council of Ministers, ministries and departments of the government, all bodies of legislative power in subjects of the Russian Federation, scientific and educational institutions, libraries. The magazine has its readers in the Russia, Germany, USA, China, Israel, Italia, France, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and other countries. We have correspondents in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Italy, Canada, USA. The net of the journal’s correspondents has been constantly growing. Abstract collections of the journal are published in Russian, English and other languages.
Rules of the direction and the approximate requirements for scientific articles and review articles for publication in the journal. Signed letter – request of the author about publishing the article in our journal. The topic of the article should match the profile of the journal. Authorship. Presented the author's text can be prepared either individually or in collaboration, there must be no elements of plagiarism; The primacy of the material. Information about whether the material is published for the first time, or it was published earlier, or it is publishing at the same time in other editions (submit permission on republishing the article); The relevance and professionalism, relevance of presentation and submission of material; The wording of the suggestions – an attempt to create new knowledge; Application. The possibility of scientific and practical application; Review of article from a specialist in this field (detailed information about the reviewer).
Approximate technical requirements for the text of the article. Volume of articles – about 25-35 thousands characters including spaces and footnotes. Great article can be divided into two or more parts. Margins: top – 2 cm; bottom – 2 cm; left side – 2 cm; right side – 2 cm. Font of the text and title of the article: Times New Roman, the font size of the text – 14, the title font size – 14 (uppercase and lowercase letters). Line spacing: the text is 1.5, the title – without interval. Footnotes links. Square brackets [1], [2], [3], etc. should be placed at the end of the text of the article, with the numbering without brackets – 1, 2, 3, etc. Title of the article. Surname, initials of the author. Next, the article title with uppercase and lowercase letters in Russian and English. Information about the authors: be sure to include fully name, position, scientific degree (title), place of work, study after the title of the article. All in Russian and English languages. Key words (5-10 words) in Russian and English languages. Abstract of the article should present the summary of the article (70-100 words) in Russian and English languages; Possible highlight the main ideas in the text: approximately one brief selection with bold font for 2 printed pages of text. Page numbering: at the bottom of page, on the right, numbering from the first page. Example footnote: Ivanov A.A. Parliamentary law. M., publishing house, 2004. – P. 350.
Procedure for reviewing articles and requirements for materials submitted for review and publication in the scientific journal “Representative Power – XXI Century: Legislation, Commentary, Problems”. Reviewing is carried out with the aim of expert evaluation (content and technical-informational) of the article. The most vivid and interesting reviews can be published in a journal or displayed on the site.
1. General information, technical requirements and rules for the submission of articles by authors for their further review. 1.1. For consideration and further review, the articles should be submitted on paper (8-12 pages, about 25-35 thousands characters with spaces and end notes , articles of a bigger size should be divided into 2 or more parts) in a single copy, sent along with the files (files can be sent through e-mail: gosduma624@yandex.ru). 1.2. Languages published articles: basic (for the printed version of the magazine) – Russian, additional (for refereed collections and site of the magazine) – English, Italian, Chinese and others. 1.3. Formatting rules: All margins – 20 mm, Font - Times New Roman 14. Line spacing: the text is 1.5, the title – without interval. Presented articles can be prepared either individually or in collaboration. On the first page on top, on the left edge, are written the initials and surname of the authors and the title (in Russian and English) in bold uppercase letters. Then passed the string with the clamp on the left edge is written the surname and the patronymic name of the author with indication of organization, position, scientific rank and scientific degree (also in Russian and English). Each co-author – with a new line. Then (after empty line) abstract about the article and from a new line - key words in Russian and English (font size 14). Then skip a line and main text of the article. 1.4. Pictures are inserted into text format JPG, BMP or WMF after the first link in the text. Each figure should have a title which placed under the picture. If there is more than one figures or table in the text they are numbered in Arabic numerals (for example “Fig. 2”). Number is placed before the name of the picture. 1.5. Literature and links. All informative references should be inserted into the text of the article. All links to the sources used shall be documented in the text of the article with the square brackets indicating the page [1, p. 111], [2, p. 11-13], [3, p. 1-3] and at the end of the article are numbered manually (1. 2. 3. without page numbers). The list of references at the end of the article should not be duplicated. 1.6. References to famous Russian and foreign authors are needed. At the end of the article on top of links, specify the word – Literature. The file is submitted in RTF or MSWord. On the last sheet shall indicate the phone and e-mail for communication with the author (authors). Articles are reviewed, but not returned.
2. Requirements for scientific materials and reviewers. 2.1. Reviewers of scientific papers and other materials, as a rule, should be a doctors or PhDs on profile or on the frontiers of science. In some cases, possible reviewer-practitioner, with extensive experience in peer-reviewed issue, with no degree. 2.2. Scientific article must contain the following mandatory elements: - the title of the article, reflecting its main idea; - surname and initials of the author (coauthors) of the article with indication of the place of work, position, scientific degree, academic title; - annotation, represents the summary of the article (70-100 words); - introduction containing the relevance of the topic, a brief overview on the problem under consideration, the range of previously unanswered questions, the main purpose of the work; - the main part of detailing the issues under consideration; - conclusion, with the articulated findings or novelty (elaboration of proposals, attempt to create new knowledge; the possibility of research and practical application); - list of cited sources, in compliance with the requirements of GOST; - signatures of all authors of the article (on paper). 2.3. Articles are reviewed with the possibility of revision by the author's and will not be returned. Only peer-reviewed scientific articles could be published. 2.4. Scientific articles not meeting the specified in subparagraphs 2.2. – 2.3. requirements, or having other significant comments (for example, received a negative opinion from the reviewers), not accepted and not published. The editorial Board is guided by the rule of obligatory provision of reviews to the authors of manuscripts and peer review boards of the HAC (at their request).
An example of the sequence of the article, information about the author, keywords, abstracts in Russian and English (links, etc.): Иванов А.П. Политическая культура России и процессы правообразования Иванов Алексей Петрович - Московский гуманитарный университет, кандидат юридических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой правоведения и политологии. Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются основные современные подходы к определению содержания и классификации политической культуры. Анализируется взаимосвязь между правовой и политической культурой. Рассматриваются основные исторические факторы, определяющие содержание современной политической культуры России в контексте её влияния на процессы правообразования. Ключевые слова. Государство и право, культура, классификация, Россия, правообразование.
Ivanov A.P. Political Culture and the Processes of Lawmaking Alexei Ivanov, Candidate of Law, Docent, Head of the Chair of Law and Political Science, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Abstract. The article is dedicated to the main modern approaches to the definition of the political culture’s substance and its classification. It also considers the interrelation between legal and political cultures. The article presents an analyses of the main historical factors defining the substance of the modern political culture of Russia in the context of its influence on the processes of lawmaking. Key words. Politics, state and law, culture, classification, Russia, lawmaking. After that in the same file is the text of the article with approximate volume about 25-35 thousands characters in one and a half interval.
Contacts phone: +7(499)940-83-82, e-mail: gosduma624@yandex.ru Learn more about the journal, see the journal's website. http://www.pvlast.ru/
Representative Power – 21st Century: Legislation, Commentary, Problems
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