29 сентября 2007 Года
PRESIDENT PUTIN APPOINTS 42 NEW MEMBERS TO THE PUBLIC CHAMBERIn accordance with the “Law on the Public Chamber,” singed into effect by President Vladimir Putin on April 4, 2005, every two years the president must appoint 1/3 of the body’s members, who, in turn, elect the remaining members. This is the second time that Putin has made such appointments.
Upon appointment, the “presidential third” of the Public Chamber selects another 42 members from Russian public associations. The 84 members then elect the last 1/3 of the chamber from regional organizations. The purpose of the chamber is to provide a bridge between civil society and government; its functions are similar to those of an oversight committee, although the chamber does not have any executive power.
Of the 42 members appointed by Putin, 24 are current members of the Public Chamber. Two notable new appointments are Alexander Brod, head of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights, and Alla Gerber of the Holocaust Foundation. Both had refused to accept the president’s nomination two years earlier.
For a complete list of the 42 appointees, please consult the Russian version of this website.
Translated by Artem V. Zagorodnov