2006 #4
Representative Power - XXI century #4 - 2006
A new issue of “Representative Power – 21st Century” (No.4, July-August 2006) opens with a continuation of an article by deputy Sergei Glotov on Russian law-making; the article contains many statistics. Others publications of interest include articles “Russia and OSCE” by V. Cherny, A. Alyaev and V. Tsekalo; on civil society – by M. Fomichenko; on federative relations – by A. Sadyka and L/ Konopel’ko; on land – by Andrei Goltsblat; on the Cossacks – by D. Pen’kovsky; on the Azerbaijanis – by I. Gasanov.
We would also like to draw your attention to a review of a book “Madness of Power” by S. Barzylov and A. Chernyshev; and an article by Z. Bagishaev and S. Oganesyan on fight against terrorism. |
Parliamentarislm and Law-Making
S.A. Glotov. Law-Making in Russia Today: Some Problems and Perspectives of Development (Part 2)
Civil Society
M.P. Fomichenko. Rights of Peoples: The Russian Dimension
Federative Relations
M-A. M-G. Sadyki. Federalism Is a Credo of Democracy
L.F. Konopel’ko. Constitutional Law Regulation of Horizontal Approximation of Disbalance of Territories of Russia in Frameworks of Financial Federalism
Fight Against Terrorism
Z.A. Bagishaev, S.S. Oganesyan. Ideology as the Main Weapon in the Fight Against Terror
International Law
V.V. Cherny, A.V. Alyaev, V.V. Tsikalo. Russia in the OSCE: What's Next (Part 1)
Land Law
A.A. Goltsblat. Land in a New Light
Ehnic Dimension
I.B. Gasanov. People of Azerbaijan – Nation of the Future
D.D. Pen’kovsy.Reasons of Cossack Emigration at the Final Stage of the Civil War
A.P .Lyubimov. Review of a Book«Madness of Power. Provincial Russia: Twenty Years of Reforms” by S.I. Barzilov and A.G. Chernyshev (Moscow: Ladomir, 2005. 298 p.)
State Control and Law
K.V. Markov.Contemporary Ways of Strengthening Constitutional Foundations of State Control
Finance and Law
V.S.Komarov. Reconstruction as a Method to Prevent Bankruptcy of Credit Institutions
History and Law
D.V. Kharitonov. Ò.N. Granovsky and Historical Science of Law
A.B. Tyorkina. Globalization in the Mirror of Innovations