2011 #5, 6
An article by Trunov I.L., Aivar L.K. «Dead suspects won't become silent» is the main topic of Issue 5,6/2011 of the magazine “Representative Power – Century 21”.
Other important topics include articles by the following authors: Gurbanov R.A. - Influence of the European convention on protection of human rights and the basic freedom; Oganesyan S.S. - About the origins of legal nihilism of our people; Voronin G.P., Komarov G.A. - Main factors of degradation of human health and the health care system in the Russian Federation (Parts 4); Cherny V.V. - Globalization of civil society helps globalization of democracy; Scherbak E.N. - The higher vocational training as a basic element of development of national economic system of Russia in the conditions of globalization; Belyakov A.V. - Patient and his right to receive health care in the European union”.
Several other articles also deserve mentioning: Laletina A.S. - The Draft federal Law «On major gas pipeline transportation» ¹99045329-2: main provisions and principal disadvantages; Lychkan L.P. - The activities of the local self-government bodies on social protection of population; Lityagin N.N. - Investment relations in social sphere, feature of their legal regulation; Veselova N.J., Savvidi S.M. - Tendencies of development of social policy at the enterprise; Ignatov S.N. - The restructuring of machine-building enterprises and the content of its main stages; Staurin G. - The instruments of state control of structural reorganization in stimulation of investment activity of machine building business; Interview with the chairman of Council of veterans of the trade-union committee of Primary trade; The memory of professor N.M. Korshunova.
Representative power - XXI century:
#5, 6 (108, 109) – 2011 |
Trunov I.L., Aivar L.K. Dead suspects won't become silent
I.L. Trunov, Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Vice-President of the Federal Association of Lawyers; L.K. Aivar, Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor.
Key words. UN, transportation, rod accidents, Rehabilitation of the deceased of the suspect (the accused); ACCIDENT on Leninsky prospekt; Olga Alexandrina; the decision of the Constitutional court of the Russian federation
Abstract. 14 July 2011 held a historic ruling of the Constitutional Court of the RUSSIAN federation (no.16-P) on the case about the verification of constitutionality of the provisions of item 4 of part 1 of article 24 and paragraph 1 of the article. 254 OF THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE.
Gurbanov R.A. Influence of the European convention on protection of human rights and the basic freedom
Gurbanov R.A., Candidate of Law, Candidate for doctor’s degree of Chair of the European Union Law of Moscow State Academy of Law named after O.E. Kutafin
Key words: European Court of Justice, European union, Council of Europe, treaties of the European Union, jurisprudence, EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights
Abstract. This paper presents the influence of the European Convention on Human Rights and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the European Court of Justice. Author thinks that the accession of EU to the Convention will not bring substantial changes in the relations of two law system (EU and Council of Europe). This accession also will not change the relations of the European Court of Human Rights on the European Court of Justice.
Oganesyan S.S. About the origins of legal nihilism of our people
Oganesyan S.S., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, state adviser of the Russian Federation of 1 class, a member of advisory council of Committee on affairs of public associations and religious organisations the State Duma of the Russian Federation, full member of Academy humanitarian researches.
Key words: Torah, New Testament, Quran, Christian ideology, legal nihilism, legal consciousness, legal culture, legal and state autonomy, reform of law enforcement and judicial authorities, Christian world
Abstract. The article attempts to identify some of the main historical causes which have predetermined a legal nihilism of our citizens. In particular, the absence of specific legislation in Christianity, therefore legal proceedings were made in accordance with the rules of the common law, which was completely contrary to the principles of Christian morality and ethics; the legal autonomy of the Russian apanage principalities; the serfdom during the strengthening of centralized Russian state, etc.
Lityagin N.N. Investment relations in social sphere, feature of their legal regulation
N.N. Lityagin, Candidate of Economics, Professor, Chair of Law, Academy of Budget and Treasury of the RF Ministry of Finance
Key words: social investments; legal regulation; financing in social sphere; independent, budgetary, state-owned state and municipal institutions
Abstract. As object of legal regulation investment activity is many-sided. Essential influence on it is rendered by investment sphere. In article specificity of a legal regulation of social investments is considered, the attention that the social sphere remains sphere of responsibility the states (Russian Federation), subjects of federation and municipal unions is focused. In this connection the considerable attention is given legal regulation of the public investments which are carried out in social sphere.
Laletina A.S. The Draft federal Law «On major gas pipeline transportation» ¹99045329-2: main provisions and principal disadvantages.
Laletina A.S., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Labor Law at Russian State University of Trade and Economics.
Key words: law, gas main, draft law, gas delivery, united gas delivery system, regional gas delivery system, gas distribution networks, flowline, undertaking, property complex
Abstract. In 1999 The Federal Law “On Gas Delivery in Russian Federation” was adopted. This Federal Law among other aspects also regulates the relations in gas transportation area. In parallel the draft of the Federal Law «On major gas pipeline transportation» was under development. The draft of this Federal Law, presented for the second round of review by Russian State Duma is the subject of this article.
Cherny V.V. Globalization of civil society helps globalization of democracy
Cherny V.V., Foundation for the protection of the constitutional rights if indigenous people of Russia, vice-president.
Key words: globalization, democracy, civil society, national security
Abstract. The paper considered influence of the process of globalization of civil society on the globalization of democracy within the period of the new world order establishing, when its going with coercive interference of the International Institutes, global economy and states in the affairs of the countries
Belyakov A.V. Patient and his right to receive health care in the European union
A.V. Belyakov, Candidate of Law, deputy of the RF State Duma, Member of the State Duma Committee on the Federal Affairs and Regional Policy, Member of the “Fair Russia” Faction.
Key words: Public health care, free movement of people, European Union, health care systems, competence to regulate, medical service
Abstract. Public health care in the process of the free movement of people in the European union is analyzed in the article, taking into account that member states keep the competence to regulate their own health care systems. The general order of receiving medical service when abroad is reviewed as well as the conditions to receive both planned and extraordinary services.
Voronin G.P., Komarov G.A. Main factors of degradation of human health and the health care system in the Russian Federation (Parts 4)
G.P. Voronin, President of the All-Russian Quality Organization, Chairman of Committee on Quality of Products of the RF Chamber of Trade and Commerce, Doctor of Technology, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Komarov G.A., Professor of Public Health and Health Training Institute FMBA.
Key words: economy, degradation, health, population, health, Russia
Abstract. The article says that the system of public health - a complex ethical, legal, educational,environmental, political, organizational, managerial, economic, logistical, and specialbiomedical perceptions, decisions and actions taken at national, regional and municipal levels Providing conditions for the safe existence and development,reproduction and realization of the intellectual, physical, and labor (productive) capacity of people, protecting them from adverse effects of natural, technological and socialenvironment. In the article makes a detailed analysis of the problems in this area.
Scherbak E.N. The higher vocational training as a basic element of development of national economic system of Russia in the conditions of globalization
E.N. Scherbak, candidate of historical sciences, professor, first pro-rector on educational work Moscow state opened university
Key words: the higher vocational training, economy, the state, the sovereignty, globalisation, an education system, the market, shots, innovations, modernisation, quality of formation
Abstract: With development of the higher vocational training steady functioning of national economy, its safety as a component of national safety directly communicates. Value of the higher vocational training for economic safety and the economic sovereignty of the state in the conditions of globalisation and integration of Russia into world economic system steadily increases. It becomes motive power of domestic economy without which forward, innovative development of Russia is impossible.
Ignatov S.N. The restructuring of machine-building enterprises and the content of its main stages
S. Ignatov, Postgraduate of National Institute of Business.
Key words: instruments of state control, structural reorganization, investment activity of machine building buisines, depreciation
Abstract. The article says that the current structure of the domestic engineering industry is characterized by numerous deformations, which lead to the high energy intensity and material intensity of products and contribute to the relatively low productivity of labor. According to the Institute of economic forecasting, RAS, growth of labour productivity in relation to the pre-crisis level by the end of 2010, was observed in all kinds of activities of domestic manufacturing industries except for mechanical engineering.
Staurin G. The instruments of state control of structural reorganization in stimulation of investment activity of machine building business.
Staurin G., Postgraduate of National Institute of Business
Key words: instruments of state control, structural reorganization, investment activity of machine building buisines, depreciation, concession, leasing
Abstract. The article covers some effective instruments of stimulation machine building business’s investment activity, some deprecation norms, concession, leasing and others. Authors substantiate conclusion that the wide range of state regulation investment activity instruments could stimulate structure reorganization in machine building business
Veselova N.J., Savvidi S.M. Tendencies of development of social policy at the enterprise
V.U.Veselova, Candidate of Economics, Assistant Ðrofessor of the Êuban State Politechnic University, Krasnodar.
S.M. Savvidi - Candidate of Economics, lecturer of the Êuban State University, Krasnodar.
Key words: Enterprise social policy, loyalty of the personnel, image of the company, social package, outsourcing, social responsibility, the personnel, personnel selection
Abstract. Enterprise social policy influences loyalty of the personnel,¬ image of the company and other indicators ¬ influencing efficiency of business and level ¬of capitalisation. It is conclusive, that its presence in the company - an axiom of market relations. The potential ¬ client, entering into organisation office, should feel, that in it there is a certain corporate ¬ spirit and culture, the normal and correct ¬ relation to the personnel.
Lychkan L.P. The activities of the local self-government bodies on social protection of population
Lychkan L.P., a lecturer of the National Institute of Business.
Key words: authority, local self-government, social protection of the population, law, economics
Abstract. The article says that the current system of municipal bodies of social protection of the population is formed on the principle of "development "of budget funds and is not aimed, in due measure, to the achievement of social and economic efficiency of social spending. The activities of the local self-government bodies on social protection of population should be ensured through the funding of social protection measures; revision of the organizational-legal status of institutions of social protection; introduction of modern management technologies; the system of standardization of social services; improvement of personnel and information-analytical maintenance.
Interview with the chairman of Council of veterans of the trade-union committee of Primary trade-union organization of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V. Tarasova.
Tarasova V.P., chairman of Council of veterans of the committee of Primary trade-union organization of the State Duma.
Key words: the council, the trade union, the staff of the State Duma, veterans, the Russian Federation, the right, power, protection of rights, employee, officer, person
Abstract. In an interview with the chairman of Council of veterans of the trade-union committee of Primary trade-union organization of the State Duma of the states on the current status of the workers-veterans of the State Duma, the role of the trade union committee, the specific assistance provided to veterans and the protection of the rights of veterans.
The memory of professor N.M. Korshunova