2010 #2, 3
The head article of No.2-3 (2010) of «Representative Power - Century 21» is written by G.Voronin and dedicated to problems of technical regulations in the Russian Federation.
Other important articles include: Realization of Constitutional Provisions on Culture by G.Ivliev, Problems of Philantropy, Patronage, and Sponsorship by N. Schitova, Transfer of Russia's Capital by V.Rossman, Baikal Is in Danger by V.Savchuk, The Phenomenon of Extremism in Multi-Ethnic Russia by H.Kireev, as well as an interview with the First Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Property V.Gusev.
The issue contains reviews of new books: S.N.Komissarov. Looking for the way forward. Îptimistic notes about a pessimistic book. Review of “Death Wish (Philosophy of Crisis of the Global Man)” by R.Abdulatipov (M.: Classics Style, 2007); A.P.Lyubimov, P.I.Akayomov. Perestroika: Retrospective and Lessons. Review of “Ideology Returns” by B.F.Slavin (M.: Social and Humanitarian Sciences, 2009).
Articles: The Concept of Citizen Social Protection and Its Features in the Russian Federation by L.Lychkan; On some particular qualities of local governance in closed administrative-territorial entities by A.Vlasenko; «Forewarned is forearmed» (certain legal problems of prevention of infringements of the rights and interests of investors in the share market) by A.Abrazhevich; Development of Financial Control in the Russian Federation by Ya.Kleimenov.
Our congratulations with the 80th Anniversary of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts.
Representative power - XXI century:
#2, 3 (97, 98) – 2010 |
CONTENTS AND SUMMARIES ¹2, 3 (97, 98) – 2010
80th Anniversary of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts
Ivliev G.P. Implementation of the Constitutional Provisions in the Sphere of Culture
Abstract: Respect to culture and traditions of multinational people of Russia was proclaimed by the Russian Constitution of 1993 and is currently maintained as a fundamental value. The RF Constitution defines basic principles of the state policy in the sphere of culture. They include constitutional guarantees of freedom in the sphere of creative work (arts, literature, science, etc.) and education, as well as a right of every citizen of Russia to participate in the cultural life, use institutions of culture, have an access to cultural values. Such rights and guarantees are also proclaimed by international law. For instance, a right to creative work (RF Constitution, art. 44) is also proclaimed as an inalienable right by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (art.15)
Key words: act, culture, law, Constitution, Pact, creativity, education, guarantees
Komissarov S.N. Looking for the way forward. Îptimistic notes about a pessimistic book. Review of “Death Wish (Philosophy of Crisis of the Global Man)” by R.Abdulatipov (M.: Classics Style, 2007).
Keywords: culture, law, philosophy, will, death, crisis, globalization, power
Lyubimov A.P., Akayomov P.I. Perestroika: Retrospective and Lessons. Review of “Ideology Returns” by B.F.Slavin (M.: Social and Humanitarian Sciences, 2009)
Key words: culture, law, Perestroika, lessons, ideology, RF, power
Schitova N.G. Problems of philantropy, patronage and sponsorship
Abstract: The aricle is dedicated to activities of philantropic organizations in the sphere of Russia's arts & culture, specifics of development of philantropy in Russia, as well as the reasons of shrinking of philantropy in Russia. Among them, the author mentions a number of institutional problems: imperfect legislation, lack of deductions, excessive administrative barriers, etc. The author speaks about the main goals that should be - in her opinion - followed by those who is interested in support of art & culture in our country
Key words: In English: Philanthropy, patronage, sponsorship, culture, art, taxation
Interview with the First Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Property V.K. Gusev
Key words: act, power, international, cooperation, economics, law
Voronin G.P. Don’t confuse President of Russia! Technical regulations seven years later
Keywords: regulations, technical, act, power, President, security, economics, law
Rossman V.I. Transfer of the capital of Russia: an analysis scheme
Abstract: The paper deals with an issue of political and economic over-centralization in Russia and discusses the continuities and discontinuities between Soviet and post-Soviet periods. It focuses on the current debates about the advantages and disadvantages of the change of Russia's capital, the patterns of discussion and decision making. The paper employs comparative politics approach, economic analysis of various comparative indicators and draws historical analogies and parallels based on the recent and historical experience of the movements of capitals in different countries
Key words: capital of Russia, transfer, over-centralization, political, economic, overpopulation
Savchuk V.S. Baikal is in danger
Keywords: ecology, economics, power, water, lake, Baikal, act, law, pollution, responsibility
Kireev H.S. The phenomenon of extremism in multinational Russia
Abstract: This article deals with the phenomenon of extremism in the context of multinational Russia. Author's work indicates that ethno-political extremism in the region have long become systematic. The presence of internal structure and sound system of organized violence can speak of him as the current ethno-political phenomenon. Confirmation of this ongoing terrorist attacks, the growth of radical movements in the North Caucasus. Besides, that in the country many years are conducted active work on counteraction to extremism a level of its danger to national safety of Russia remains high.
In work are considered as various approaches and ways of counteraction to extremism
Key words: self-identification of people, multiethnic Russia, extremist movements, ethno-political proces ses, ethnic tensions, socio-economic crisis, the threat of Russia's national security, combating extremism, the Criminal Code, Federal Law
Lychkan L.P. The Concept of Citizen Social Protection and Its Features in the Russian Federation
Abstract:The author considers the features of social protection implementation in the Russia Federation. The article analyses the following concepts: “social security”, “social guarantee”, “social protection”, and their correlation and interaction under conditions of social state development
Key words: social security, social state, social protection, social needs, social guarantees system
Vlasenko A. On some particular qualities of local governance in closed administrative-territorial entities
Abstract: In this article its author analyses legal status of closed administrative-territorial entities as municipal unity. He also examines legal relations that define the specificity of such urban districts emphasizing their special responsibility determined by the necessity to guarantee the regime of safe functioning of facilities and objects located in such districts. Hereafter he justifies the expediency of rationalization of laws that regulate local governance in closed administrative-territorial entities
Key words: closed administrative-territorial entities, urban districts, matters of local significance, particular qualities of local governance in closed administrative-territorial entities, regime of safe functioning of facilities and objects, specific authority of local government in closed administrative-territorial entities
Abrazhevich A.V. «Forewarned is forearmed» (certain legal problems of prevention of infringements of the rights and interests of investors in the share market)
Abstract: Legislation on the share market and its participants began to develop long before the transition of the RF to market economy. Yet one cannot say that legal problems of correlation of the rights and interests of share market’s participants were being given scrupulous attention by civil law specialists. In that sense, the legal nature of the broker-customer conflict on the stock market is not well developed, and we consider this topic urgent for a scientific research. The urgency of the problems in question is related to the need to highlight typical offences made by broker companies against investors in the share market. It is therefore necessary to adopt new improved efficient preventive measures in accordance with the law to regulate the share market, aimed, first of all, to protect investors' interests
Key words: share market, share broker, rights of the investor, securities, conflict of interests; protection of rights, protection of interests, property protection, system of guarantees, legal nature
Kleimenov Ya.S. Development of Financial Control in the Russian Federation
Abstract:The market-oriented changes performed during the last years not only changed the appearance of the Russian economy significantly but also preconditioned the need for radical reformation of different governmental structures aimed at reorganization of their activities on the result-oriented bases. Some of these structures are the bodies of the state financial control, due to their insufficient work the economy of the state and its governmental sector incur considerable losses. The weakness of the governmental financial control caused by the lack of legally regulated system of its conduct and legal uncertainty of the scope of its bodies activities leads to misuse of public funds and sometimes even to their direct plunder and deprivation. It is necessary to state that currently the state’s economy is not fully observed by the prince eye, that the state financial control is held from time to time, sometimes random, and thus ineffective. It is preconditioned not only by the lack of legal regulation of the terms and ways of its conduct, but also by the lack of its coordination and mutual integration with the activities of the controlling bodies.
Key words: State financial control, system, reform, factor of a formation, check problem