2011 #7,8
The main theme of 7, 8 rooms for 2011 of the magazine «Representative power - XXI century» is the Message of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Other important topics include articles by the following authors: From the editorial office. The fifth international symposium "Universities of culture and arts in the world educational space" (d. Dushanbe, Republic Of Tajikistan); Abdulatipov R.G. The report on V international symposium "Universities of culture and arts in the world educational space" (d. Dushanbe, Republic Of Tajikistan); Belyakov A.V. Patient’s rights to receive health care in the European union in the light of the Keller case; Lyubimov A.P. Formation of the concept of national innovation system of Russia (part 1); Laletina A.S. Third EU Gas Directive: legal models for splitting integrated gas companies; Gurbanov R.A. The European bench warrant about payment and the European manufacture under the permission of insignificant disputes as tools of cooperation of EU member states in sphere of civil justice; Lubinko Mitrovich.Violence in the family as an offence; Spector A.A. Public prosecutor's supervision and the coordination of carrying out of revisions by bodies of the state control in sphere of entrepreneurial activity.
Several other articles also deserve mentioning: Matvienko S.V. Who is the owner of municipal property?; Karpov E.A. Perfection of civil - legal legislation about private property; Dmitry A. Ezhov, A Future Party Configuration of the 6th State Duma; Savushkina O.V. Parliamentarism as a factor of sustainable development and political stability of the Russian society/
Interview with the First Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Property V.K. Gusev.
Residence on the Costa Brava ROYAL VICTORIA COMUNITY RESORT - old age in joy.
Representative power - XXI century:
#7, 8 (110, 111) – 2011 |
D.A. Medvedev. An Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Dmitry A. Medvedev – President of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law
Key words: The Message of the President, government, law, politics, the RUSSIAN federation, the Federal Assembly
Abstract. Dmitry Medvedev, in particular, suggested a number of initiatives on the further development of the political system of the country. In addition, the head of state presented its position on the main directions of internal and foreign policy, the modernization of the economy and the social sphere, defense and security issues.
Interview with the First Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Property V.K. Gusev
Vladimir K. Gusev - First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Business and Property, Doctor of Technology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Key words: act, power, international, cooperation, economics, law
Abstract. In an interview said that the Treaty on good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation between RUSSIA and CHINA has absorbed the centuries-old experience in the development of relations between Russia and China, the Soviet Union and China, organically combining it with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law.
From the editorial office. The fifth international symposium "Universities of culture and arts in the world educational space" (d. Dushanbe, Republic Of Tajikistan)
Keywords: law, culture, university, culture and arts, politics
Abstract. Symposium in addition to presentations and discussions includes a number of master-classes, organized together with the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Tajikistan. Came a lot of outstanding people, scientists, and artists, who will show master-classes at the conservatory of the institute of arts, the national university, etc.
Abdulatipov R.G. The report on V international symposium "Universities of culture and arts in the world educational space" (d. Dushanbe, Republic Of Tajikistan)
Abdulatipov R.G. Rector of MGUKI, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, actual and honorary member of several academies of sciences, Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of Russia’s Peoples, Chairman of Ðîññèè, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the All-Russian Exhibition Center and of the House of Russia’s Peoples, Member of the State Duma.
Keywords: law, culture, university, culture and arts, politics
Abstract. Symposium in addition to presentations and discussions includes a number of master-classes, organized together with the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Tajikistan. Came a lot of outstanding people, scientists, and artists, who will show master-classes at the conservatory of the institute of arts, the national university, etc.
Belyakov A.V. Patient’s rights to receive health care in the European union in the light of the Keller case
Anton V. Belyakov, Candidate of Law, deputy of the RF State Duma, Member of the State Duma Committee on the Federal Affairs and Regional Policy, Member of the “Fair Russia” Faction.
Key words: Keller case, European union, patient’s rights, health care, forms E111/E112, planned health services, or extraordinary health services, European Court of Justice.
Abstract. Different peculiarities of the Keller case are analyzed in the article. The facts of the case are layered out, the legality of the use of forms E111/E112 are discussed, as well as the rights of a patient to receive planned or extraordinary health services abroad.
Lyubimov A.P. Formation of the concept of national innovation system of Russia (part 1)
Alexey P. Lyubimov - Doctor of Law, Professor, Moscow University of Humanities, Member of the Science and Methodology Council under the RF Central Election Commission, Vice President of the International Union of academies of social sciences, Director of the Institute of Economy, Management and Law
Key words: The concept of innovation systems, Russia, economics, power, policy
Abstract. The article says about the formation of the concept of national innovation system of Russia at the modern stage of development of economic relations. The national innovation system - is the historical subsystem of the national economy, which consists of various institutions and economic structures which have influence on the rate and direction of technological change in society.
Laletina A.S. Third EU Gas Directive: legal models for splitting integrated gas companies.
Laletina Alla S. Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Labor Law at Russian State University of Trade and Economics.
Key words: Third Energy Package, Third Gas Directive, Second Gas Directive, integrated gas undertaking, certification.
Abstract: Abstract: This article is dedicated to the principal provisions of the Third Gas Directive and the problems related to splitting of integrated gas companies according to the provisions of the above mentioned Directives. The author analyzes the possibility for EU-members to choose an alternative way of disintegration, other then corporate assets splitting. The article also describes the legal possibilities for gas companies to become released of the obligations to split assets.
Gurbanov R.A. The European bench warrant about payment and the European manufacture under the permission of insignificant disputes as tools of cooperation of EU member states in sphere of civil justice.
Gurbanov Ramin A. Candidate of Law, Candidate for doctor’s degree of Chair of the European Union Law of Moscow State Academy of Law named after O.E. Kutafin
Key words: European order for payment Procedure, European Small Claims Procedure, EU Member States judicial bodies, civil procedure, mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments of EU member State judicial bodies, European law, regulation, execution of judgments, European an area of freedom, security and justice.
Abstract. This article treats about two types of civil procedure created by European law - European order for payment Procedure and European Small Claims Procedure. The author considers that that procedures, applied by every EU member State judicial body, serves the construction of an area of freedom, security and justice. The reason of this resides in the consequences of the application of that procedures which consist in realization of a mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments of EU member State judicial bodies principle.
Lubinko Mitrovich. Violence in the family as an offence.
L. Mitrovich. - professor of the faculty of law of the University of APEIRON in Banja Luka and in the Higher school of the Ministry of internal affairs in Banja Luka. The author teaches the following courses: Administrative law, Police law and Administrative procedure law.
Key words: : the violence, the family, the right, the offence of protective measures
Abstract. The article is devoted to legal methods of regulation of action to combat violence in the family, which are in the competence of the bodies of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Srpska. Examines in detail the practical issues of optimal conditions for an effective and comprehensive work of the various bodies and services of the Republic of Srpska, aimed at the immediate protection of victims of violence.
Spector A.A. Public prosecutor's supervision and the coordination of carrying out of revisions by bodies of the state control in sphere of entrepreneurial activity
Spector A. Akhmetovna. Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Entrepreneurial Law Department at Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin
Key words: Office of Public Prosecutor, public prosecutor's supervision, enterprise activity, carrying out of checks, representation, the protest, state regulation
Abstract. One of factors of construction of stable market economy is protection of the rights of managing subjects. Article is devoted a role of Office of Public Prosecutor in the Russian Federation, including to public prosecutor's supervision in business sphere.
Matvienko S.V. Who is the owner of municipal property?
Matvienko S. Valerievna. Applicant of Russian Law Academy (Chair of Constitutional Law)
Key words: Constitution of Russian Federation, federal law, population, citizen, municipal body, municipal authorities, municipal property.
Abstract. The author of the article analyzes the norms of the constitution and other acts of law that determine the subjects of municipal property law as well as the ways and modes of realization of the rights levying form the said acts of law. Special attention is paid to the absence of correlativity between the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal laws aimed at defining the proprietor of the municipal property.
Karpov E.A. Perfection of civil - legal legislation about private property
Karpov Evgeny, graduate student Moscow Humanitarian-Technical Academy (MHTA), master teacher Moscow Humanitarian University (MHU).
Key words: law of private property, proprietor, burden of maintenance of property, frameworks of legislations, common joint property, risk of maintenance of property, corporations.
Abstract. A private property is the most important institutions in civil law of Russia. During almost a quarter of a century from the moment of birth of a new Russian state, the private property, as a legal phenomenon, underwent considerable changes needing legislative perfection. A new legislative act regulating relations of private property in full volume must be a combined law «About frameworks of private property in Russian Federation».
Dmitry A. Ezhov, A Future Party Configuration of the 6th State Duma
Dmitry A. Ezhov – candidate of political sciences, senior lecturer of the Academy of Labour and Social Relations
Key words. Elections, parliament, political parties, party system.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the political actors’ positions on the eve of the 2011 parliamentary elections. The author estimates the probabilities of the political parties registered in Russia in the election campaign being based on the sociological polls’ data and constructs a future party configuration of the 6th State Duma in the context of the Russian party system’s evolution.
Savushkina O.V. Parliamentarism as a factor of sustainable development and political stability of the Russian society
Savushkina O. Vladimirovna, candidate of political sciences, professor Of the department of political sciences Of The Russian University Of Friendship of peoples
Key words. Policy, parliamentarianism, political stability, civil society, Russia.
Abstract. The article considers the problem of parliamentarism Of the Russian Federation, as one of the factors for the strengthening of political stability, without which impossible the success of further promotion of democratic reforms in Russia. Analyzing the formation and development of parliamentarism in Russia, the author draws attention to a number of aspects of destabilization of the political system and conditions of influence of the parliament Of Russia in political stability and believes that the potential of parliamentarism in the country is far from being exhausted. The democratic balance of the different political forces in the State Duma, political competition in the elections, the open discussion of political parties, the opposition after the elections and other factors will contribute to stabilizing role of parliamentarism in the Russian Federation.
The residence on Costa Brava “ROYAL VICTORIA COMUNITY RESORT” – an old age in pleasure.
Keywords. Political stability, a civil society, Spain, economy.
Abstract. One of the primary goals of any modern state is maintenance of a worthy and safe old age of its citizens. The 15 years ago the Spanish Society of Medicine of the Family and community Semfyc has started the national program of preventive maintenance of health and an active way of life (PAPPS).
In 2006 in Spain the law 39/2006 has been passed about "Guarantees" which regulates the obligatory help of the state to elderly citizens. The company (the Residence on Costa Brava ) has carried out the comparative analysis of conditions of residing of older persons from 55 years in special residences of type "Signor" with full service in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Spain (GLHOMAS, Residencial Forest Duke, Spring House Estates, Burkardus Wohonpark, Seniorenresidenzen, Tertianum, VilaBruneck, KWA Parkstift Hanfef, Gerundà, Sagrada Familia and etc.) and has developed the new pilot project «Residences in Catalonia»(SPAIN).